Alternatives to CEGEP
Quebec's education system offers many options when it comes to study programs. There isn't, unfortunately, a single list that contains all programs and educational institutions, but the link below provides some helpful sites you'll want to visit to explore your options:
Ministère de l'Éducation — Studying in Quebec
This page will only give a brief overview of the following three options, but we encourage you to research in more depth if you think CEGEP may not be for you:
- CEGEP first year to university
- DEP/DVS programs
- Grade 12 Program
CEGEP First Year to University
This isn't necessarily an alternative to CEGEP itself, but rather another pathway. Some out-of-province universities accept Quebec students who've completed their first year of CEGEP, though most universities in Quebec do not have this option.
Normally, Quebec students who complete a pre-university program in CEGEP, a university bachelor's degree takes 3 years to complete instead of the traditional 4 years for other provinces and/or countries (this duration may vary for different university majors). If you choose to apply to university after completing only one year of CEGEP, the duration of a bachelor's degree becomes 4 years (may vary based on major), provided those universities accept first-year CEGEP students.
To learn more about this path, research your universities and majors (university programs) of interest.
Sources: various university websites
DEP/DVS Programs
A DEP program leads to a diplôme d'études professionnelles (DEP), or a diploma of vocational studies (DVS) in English. They're training programs that lead directly to the job market and are offered by vocational/trade schools (as well as some private colleges) in Quebec.
DEP programs are between 600 and 1800 hours in duration.
There are actually three official diplomas that can be awarded for vocational training:
- DVS, Diploma of Vocational Studies
- AVS, Attestation of Vocational Specialization
- STC, Skills Training Certificate
A few links to help you with your research:
LaSalle College, Diploma FAQ
LaSalle College, Admission FAQ
The following link has some helpful sites and lists that you can use to research different types of post-secondary education and educational institutions in Quebec: Ministère de l'Éducation, Studying in Quebec
Sources: Quebec Ministry of Education, links provided above
Grade 12 Program
A select few private schools in Quebec offer a pre-university grade 12 program. Names of such a program vary with different schools, but a grade 12 program allows Quebec students to obtain an Ontario high school diploma (OSSD, Ontario Secondary School Diploma), often through Virtual High School, to then apply directly to university following graduation. Here's a list of schools that currently offer a grade 12 program (there may be more):
Lower Canada College (LCC)
- Private high school in Montreal
- Website:
- Pre-University (12)
The Sacred Heart School of Montreal
- Private girls' high school in Montreal
- Website:
- Sacred Heart Grade 12 (OSSD) program
Kells Academy
- Private high school in Montreal
- Website:
- Grade 12 Program
TAV College
- Private college in Montreal
- Website:
- Grade 12 Study Option